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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mikala White Wolf, a Journey


Josephine (Josie) Orphelia was my Maternal Grandmother. She was a wonderful woman and a Native American, she was an Ani Wahya [Wolf Clan Member] Ani Yunwiya [Cherokee].

Growing up my ‘Mamaw’ and Mom instilled in me a love of nature (both physical & spiritual) and all things botanical. My grandmother nurtured and inspired wonderful gardens. Gardens where beautiful grandchildren grew as well as her flowers and herbs.

I was taught, in a very natural manner, the importance of all living things and came to know the wonderful healing powers of of the spirit. I never was one for taking ‘medicine’ or at least the synthetic variety purchased at pharmacies and stores. For most all maladies there is a remedy in nature, you just have to know where to look and honor the medicine and the energy.

I grew up and away from some of the things I was taught as a little girl, after college I entered into the Corporate World, I achieved success and was CEO of a successful company. Our family was struck with Tragedy when my brother was in a fatal motorcycle accident and taken from us before his time. I began to question if the material success of the corporate world was really what was most important in life. I came to the conclusion that life is very precious and fleeting, we must live it – be happy and healthy and give unto others.

I have embraced my Cherokee heritage and taken the name Mikala White Wolf to honor the people of my Grandmother.

To live a meaningful and happy life, we must find our purpose. I have now left the daily stress and pressure of the corporate world behind. My purpose is to help others to achieve wellness, happiness, wisdom, respect for the natural world and a ‘good mind’.
(Thank you in Cherokee),

Dr. Mikala White Wolf, D.D.

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